A downloadable game

Fix you is a collective narrative card game only for single-time play. In a dark fairy tale world, playing as the myth monsters the players need to find their lost memories back. The game consists of two stages, in the first stage the players compete with each other in order to win clue cards as many as possible. In the second stage, by observing the clue cards collected from the previous round, players try to distinguish the real memory from the fake memories and finally vote for the correct plot and gain relative victory points, whoever gets the most victory point wins. Once the game is finished, the players will surprisingly find out the missing part of the story which completes the story: the protagonist of the story chased for his gone love——his dear goat, on the road of death. Fix you, both meanings repair the memory and the chasing-love heart of the protagonist. The monsters' lost memories get back at last but the protagonist ends up following his lover to death.

original global game jam 2020 website:https://globalgamejam.org/2020/games/memories-8

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