Dark Inside is the 2.0 version of Black Inside.

The character in the water reflection will mimic all the actions of the above character, which means you are controlling two characters simultaneously. Press shift can switch the control to the reflection character. Then the above character will mimic all the actions of its reflection. Players need to control the two characters to step on two "rocks" (triggers) simultaneously so as to open the pillars (doors) that block the player's forward movement. Players can utilize the collision of platforms and different abilities of different characters to think about how to solve the rocks and pillars puzzle.

Different characters have different abilities. By pressing "1", "2", "3", "0" will change into different characters and consume some energy. Each character also has their own endurance. Running out of endurance will automatically switch back to the basic character.

Basic reflection character: attack ability

Pride character: move in the opposite direction, jump on his own

Wrath character: dash ability, fly in the sky

Sloth character: shadow clone and teleport ability, move slower